
Download Our New App

NamePay is the best digital wallet for merchants. With NamePay, you can pay and receive money by scanning the code that appears on your mobile device screen. Also, you can display and sell your products on the Bofarha platform, and buy your products from wholesalers, importers, and brands. Download the app now and enjoy the benefits that NamePay offers.

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Merchant Information

Transfer of funds from the customer to merchant.

Merchants can accept mobile payments from customers by scanning QR codes. NamePay offers an exclusive platform for merchants in Bofarha. It’s an interactive social platform that empowers traders to showcase and sell their products, fostering marketing activity and commercial exchange among them. The platform includes a dedicated marketplace where merchants can directly purchase their products from wholesalers, importers, and brands, with direct delivery to the retailer.

QR Code Support

Essential for using QR codes for various purposes, such as making payments, accessing information, or completing transactions. the user may need to scan a QR code to initiate the transaction.

Receive Money

Receive Money is a term used to describe the process of accepting or collecting funds that have been sent or transferred to you by another party. This methods such as bank transfers.


Merchant account to transfer funds to their linked bank account. This allows them to access the funds received from customer payments and use them for various purposes. personal use.

Payment Gateway

Securely processing payment information and transmitting it between a merchant's website or application and the financial institutions involved in the transaction.